Abitmes.vn is software to manage comments, inbox, interact on Facebook Fanpage, help Fanpage owners can CHAT back with customers,
manage multiple Fanpage in one centralized screen conveniently, quickly
Outstanding features of Abitmes.vn
- Manage many Facebook Fanpage on one screen
- Reply to comments, customer inbox quickly
- Automatically create orders (comment-inbox with phone number), process orders as soon as CHAT with customers
- Like comment, inbox when customers comment
- Create a quick answer form (with image attached) to help answer customers conveniently
- Many modes of comment sharing, inbox for employees (equally commenting, inbox, sharing for employees First click, no division)
- Allow to create and filter by TAG tags to manage and classify customers
- Smart filter allows separate filter Comment, inbox, the customer has not answered, no phone number ...
- Filter order status right on the chat screen.
- Support multiple platforms (Web, Android, iOS).
Abitmes.vn is an indispensable part of Abitstore Sales Management Software, The combination of using Abitmes and Abitstore product set helps
SHOP owner saves time, costs and manages customers, exports and imports, COD transports a lot more effectively.
Free trial of all 15 DAYS features with a single account when registering on https://abitstore.vn